Difference Between Early And Contemporary Theories Of Motivation ^NEW^
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Like motivation, motivation is a motivational state. Whereas the cognitive aspects of motivation usually concern beliefs about the likelihood and valence of outcomes, motivational states are the result of the combined influence of beliefs and desires. A motivational state is typically a temporary state that is formed on a given occasion and lasts for a certain time. In addition, a motivational state can be transient or enduring. An enduring motivational state is defined by Anthony [Fischer, S., & Anthony, M. (1993). Motivational states. American Psychologist, 48, 78-91.]. Transient motivation is a short-lived motivational state that does not last long. Persistent motivation, on the other hand, is a long-lasting motivational state that can be rekindled by new experiences and/or attitudes.[15]
The motivational state that is assumed to be most important for students to develop is a motivational state that is formed by an adequate appraisal of the potential advantages and disadvantages of a behavioral option. In this state, the individual is more likely to continue the behavior if the behavior is necessary for achieving a goal that is goal-relevant (i.e. goal-directed behavior). [2] The goals of a motivating situation are usually composed of a number of different components. These are: (1) the benefits or potential rewards of the particular behavior, (2) the costs or potential harms of the behavior, (3) the likelihood of obtaining the benefits or avoiding the harms (i.e. their likelihood), and (4) the value of the rewards and costs. The strength of the motivation for an behavior depends on the strength of the feeling that the behavior will bring about a positive outcome and on the strength of the feeling that the behavior will lead to a negative outcome. The greater the strength of these two feelings, the stronger the motivation. However, it is important to note that the feeling of a positive outcome does not always determine the strength of motivation. The feeling of a negative outcome may, for example, be the reason why people avoid behavior that would be harmful to themselves or others.
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