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development that the levels of the predominant V3T clones (59%) from the public compartments is higher for the germ-free animals than for the conventional birds. Further examination of the clonal compartment revealed a marked increase, from 2% to 8%, in the proportion of V3 clones from the public compartment of the spleen in germ-free birds in this study. These observations are consistent with the previous estimates of the simpler model that revealed an age-dependent increase in the levels of V3 clones of the spleen. The increase and variability in the spatial distributions of the microbiome and gut microbiota can greatly alter the characteristics of the immune system and participate in the development or severity of rare diseases, including infectious diseases.
Second stage. The 20 variable coefficients are removed as they were found not to influence the model significantly. Stepwise linear regression is run first with colony and sex as explanatory variables and then a reduced model that contains only the bacterial load and age as explanatory variables. The resulting best model is then used for the final analysis. The multiple correlation coefficient (R2) is 0.57 and the forward and backward stepwise linear regression is 0.98 and 0.947 respectively. The final values of the model were: 1) Colony II = 41 0.24 (0.03) 8th edition pdf free 49; 2) Sex = 1 0.20 (0.03); 3) Bacterial load = 2 0.17 (0.03) and 4) Age = 1 0.17 (0.01). The R2 value of the model is very high indicating a good fit to the data and that age and bacterial load are the most important factors that predict the average V1T sequence diversity of the private and public compartments of the different tissues
This data is represented as box-and-whisker plots of the estimated proportions of V1T clones for the initial model used to identify the TCR repertoire. The mean values and 95% confidence intervals of the proportions of the estimated V1T clones for the different tissues are shown. Statistically significant differences between the model estimates are depicted above the plots based on their corresponding p-values: d2c66b5586