Writing News For TV
LINK === https://fancli.com/2tai56
The information that your audience wants to see or hear, in your opinion, should be the most important information that they need to know. Use these criteria to help you decide whether your television or radio news idea has news value. After you have determined whether your news story has news value, you can decide whether it is newsworthy.
As a news consumer, you may want to focus your attention and your time on more current and newsworthy stories. However, this does not mean that current events are not important. For example, you may not have time to cover a story regarding the death of a famous person. However, if the person's death occurred several years ago, you may have no interest in this story at all.
A ticker used on a TV station in Taiwan is structured as a scroll. It is usually shown during the news programmes, but on some occasions, it is shown in non-news programmes. It is also used on some TV stations in South Korea.
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