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The heart of the Constitution, the heart of our Bill of Rights, is the First Amendment, the right to speak, to write, to publish, to worship, and to assemble, without interference by the government. Any restrictions on these rights are invalid. We have a right to life, liberty, and property, and to pursue and acquire happiness and safety. We have no right to false speech, or to defamation, or to libel, or to the suppression of real or supposed evil-doers. We have no right to hate speech, or to the violence of speech. We have no right to kill or maim, or to frighten the people by misrepresentations, or to hold the people in ignorance or servitude. We have no right to infringe upon the rights of others, and do no wrong to any one, but we have a right to oppose the encroachment by others upon our rights.
In recent years, `senior citizen' has been used by the US government to refer to the elderly, on both a positive and a negative side. The end of retirement age for Social Security benefits in the US was raised to 68, and for Medicare to 67. At the same time, Congress also raised the age of eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). For Medicare and SSI, to make up for the lost income, doctors are only paid the lower of the two rates.Â
In case you were wondering, the Nokia N97 is still alive and well. It's still the only Android device from Nokia that has a camera, but the last version of this phone was pushed back to last year (it was due out in March), so chances are good that it's not going to be updated any time soon. Here's what Nokia had to say:
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